My School
I love that at my school, the kids get all aflutter about being able to have fruits and vegetables as snacks at their desks. I love that every Spring the swallows come to nest in our eaves and we don't powerspray them down. I love that we have a functioning garden with an awesome handmade gate set in front of a dense patch of bamboo, which was also used to make said awesome gate. I love that there is art hanging on the walls wherever you look and I further love how that art fills every day with vibrant color. This color and life makes it hard to be sad, even if you are in the Worst Mood Ever when you enter the school. I love that even though we are a K-8 school, there are no fistfights, no gangs, no drugs (at least at school, anyway. Some of these parents grow plenty of pot I have no doubt)and I love that at this school, the volunteer mom serving sushi for lunch does yoga in the middle of the atrium in between shifts.
I know that the above makes me seem like I am a raging hippie, but there's so much more to it than that. It's like we have formed a sweet little community of people who come here with all their vastly different beliefs, problems, hangups and paranoias, but also with their love of kids and true commitment to the arts. And daily, they (we) set weirdness aside (mostly) to carry out an educational vision that truly serves kids, helping shape them into diligent learners, talented artists and informed little citizens of the world.
I may not feel this way tomorrow, but today with the sun shining and the goodwill I feel, I had to write it down.