I've reached a new low.
Entemann's Extreme Glazed Popums. I've eaten like 20 today. What the hell is wrong with me?
School needs to get out. Soon.
I've reached a new low.
Entemann's Extreme Glazed Popums. I've eaten like 20 today. What the hell is wrong with me?
School needs to get out. Soon.
Wow, okay I think I may have seen something totally hypocritical today as I was shopping at my "neighborhood supermarket." I live in a small touristy town, and on this particular Friday there was a group of kids from a local school having a bake sale in front of the supermarket. Of course whenever I see something like this, I experience a myriad of emotions before giving in and handing the kids some money. At first my feelings are of resentment that the kids are in my "space" as I'm trying to get something done, then the feelings switch to "yeah, my school needs money too, they don't even have enough to pay me well", to then being tempted and then immediately fearful of the origin of the baked goods, etc... I do, as I said, eventually soften, however, realizing that I would want someone to support my own students and my own kid for that matter. So today I gave a donation to the kids as I was leaving the store. As I walked to my car, I saw a new Subaru with that bumper sticker that says: "It will be a great day when schools have all the money they need and the military has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber". I remember thinking how funny that was, because of the bake sale occurring behind me; like, wow here's exactly what the people driving this car don't want to have happen.
Anyway, I went back to the front of the store to return my cart and I saw a couple walking out of the double doors, through the sea of children asking if they wanted to buy something from the bake sale. The people obviously were too shiny to be from these parts, so they must have been visiting from some bay area locale. They honestly looked annoyed and sort of frightened by the children, clutching their small bag of groceries that they were no doubt taking back to their room at the bed and breakfast for the weekend. I watched as they fought their way through the kids to their car...the Subaru.
I approached one of the mothers helping out at the bake sale, and asked her if the people I just saw bought anything. She said that they hadn't, and hadn't given a donation either. I slyly pointed out their car as they left the parking lot and told her about the bumper sticker. We shared a cynical laugh. Now is that hypocrisy or am I crazy? Maybe they believe in "keeping it at home" money wise or something and only want to support their local schools?
Well, whatever it was, I found it interesting.